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Helpful Information:

Castelgarden, Mountfield, Alpina, Stiga, Efco, Oleo Mac, Older Honda, Viking & John Deere Ride on Lawnmowers are manufactured by GGP and use the same spare parts.

To identify the parts required:

Locate the ID sticker of your model which is under the seat on ride on mowers.

Example of ID Sticker: 122 = 122cm / 48” Cutting Deck, Hydro Drive, Year 2006.

If Hydro or HD is not on the sticker then you have a Geared Model.

Model with the following numbers and what they indicate:

122 = 122cm / 48” Cutting Deck.
102 = 102cm / 40” Cutting Deck.
98 = 98cm / 38” Cutting Deck.
92 = 92cm / 36” Cutting Deck.
84 = 84cm/32” Cutting Deck.
72 = 72cm / 28” Cutting Deck.
63 = 63cm / 25” Cutting Deck.

HF1211 - SE - HE - K1 - K2 (72cm / 28" Cutting Deck)
Honda HF2113 - HF2114 - HF2113 - HF2114 - HF2315 (92cm / 36" Cutting Deck)
Honda HF2213, HF2417, HF2216 (102cm / 40" Cutting Deck)
Honda HF2218, HF2220, HF2620 (122CM / 48" Cutting Deck)

Viking MT585 (92cm / 36" Cutting Deck)
Viking MT785 (102cm / 40" Cutting Deck)

John Deere LR135 / SB92 (92cm / 36" Cutting Deck)
John Deere LR175 (102cm / 40" Cutting Deck)

Identify the parts required firstly by the size of cutting deck, then by the year of your model and finally, is your model geared or hydrostatic.

If your model has 84 on the sticker then you are looking for parts to suit a 84cm / 32” cutting deck.